245 KW Capacity Solar PV Power Plant at 7 Police Help Centers at Maharashtra


The Divisional General Manager (Divisional Office Nagpur), on behalf of MEDA , invites eligible bidder to submit a bid in accordance with the provisions of this Tender Document. In this Tender Document, the term “Bidder”, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context, include all parties who have submitted bids in response to this Tender Document within the stipulated time frame for submission.

Estimated Cost. As per the Bench mark cost of MNRE with 5 years CMC for total 245 kw capacity grid-connected solar pv power plant under roof – top net metering with DC optimizer and 430 nos solar LED street lights at different 7 police help centers/sub police stations in Gadchiroli District in the state of Maharashtra.

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in favour of Maharashtra Energy Development Agency, Chandrapur for total 245 kw capacity grid connected solar pv power plant under roof – top net metering with DC optimizer and 430 nos solar LED street lights at different 7 police help centers/sub police stations in Gadchiroli District in the state of Maharashtra.

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