NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited (NVVN) has invited proposals to develop standalone battery energy storage systems (BESS) with a total storage capacity of 1,000 MWh (500 MW x 2 hours) in Rajasthan. These projects will be connected to the state transmission utility (STU) network and are eligible for central financial assistance through viability gap funding. The minimum bid size has been set at 100 MWh (50 MW x 2 hours).
The selected developers will be responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of the BESS, enabling NVVN to manage energy storage based on demand. The storage facility will be utilised by Rajasthan Urja Vikas and IT Services Limited (RUVITL) for peak and off-peak power management. The BESS is required to support two complete charge-discharge cycles daily, ensuring consistent availability for grid stabilisation and energy reliability. The total project capacity will be distributed across RUVITL’s generating stations in the state.
NVVN, as the BESS Implementing Agency, will enter into a battery energy storage purchase agreement with successful bidders. The charging power for the BESS will be provided by RUVITL, ensuring efficient integration with the grid.