Extension of Bid submission Deadline: Selection of Consultancy Firm for Owners Engineer (OE) services for 100 MW (AC) Solar PV Project (160MWp DC capacity) along with 40MW/120 MWh Battery Energy Storage System at district Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh, India during Design, Construction, Commissioning and Operations of the facility under Innovations in...
2nd Pre-Proposal Conference: Selection of Consultancy Firm for Owners Engineer (OE) services for 100 MW (AC) Solar PV Project (160MWp DC capacity) along with 40MW/120 MWh Battery Energy Storage System at district Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh, India during Design, Construction, Commissioning and Operations of the facility under Innovations in Solar Power &...
Tenders are invited online Bid from the eligible bidders having Class III, Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) issued from any agency authorized by Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA), Govt. of India. The Description & Specification are mentioned in the Tender. According to the tender, for Technical Specification & Scope of work...
The General Manager (Divisional Office Nagpur), on behalf of MEDA (the Employer), invites eligible bidder to submit a bid in accordance with the provisions of this Tender Document. In this Tender. repugnant to the context, include all parties who have submitted bids in response to this Tender Document within...
Registered Vendor WITH TSREDCO FOR THE FY 2020- 21. The firms are having the solar GCRT system experience of single location i.e. minimum 10KWp on Solar PV grid connected rooftop at Single location in Telangana State. Proof to be submitted. Bid Security for Rs. 10000/- (Ten Thousand Rupees only) by...
Notice inviting tender ( NIT), Provision of solar panel plant for admin block (BLDG NO T34) AT INS Mandovi under age (I) Mandovi costing Rs. 14.50 lakhs (Rupees fourteen lakhs fifty thousand only) (At Par Market) and the period of completion is 180 days. Cost of tender documents is...
Tenders are here invited on behalf of the Managing Director, U.P. Small Industries Corporation Ltd., Kanpur for the Sealed item where tenders will be received up-to 15.00 hours (3:00 PM) by the Executive Engineer, UPSIC Ltd. It will be opened by his or her authorized representative at 15:30 hours...
On behalf of President of India Estate Manager, EMU (R&D), Chandigarh invites online itemrate e-tender from the valid enlisted Contractors/Agencies with “Directorate of Civil Works & Estates, New Delhi and/or CCE (R&D) Estates, North, Chandigarh” for the following work. Documents are to be submitted online to the Central Public...
Extension of Bid submission Deadline: Tender for 50 MW (AC) Solar PV Project with Land having 10 years plant O&M at Tamilnadu, India Employer: Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI), New Delhi, India Tender title: Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 50 MW (AC) Solar PV Project...
Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) Invited eligible bidder to submit a tender in accordance with the provisions of this Tender Document. In this Tender Document, the term "Bidder", which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context, include allparties who have submitted tender in response to this Tender Document within...