3 KW Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plant at Nagpur :MEDA


The General Manager (Divisional Office Nagpur), on behalf of MEDA (the Employer), invites eligible bidder to submit a bid in accordance with the provisions of this Tender Document. In this Tender. repugnant to the context, include all parties who have submitted bids in response to this Tender Document within the stipulated time frame for submission. The Bidders shall submit the bids in two parts by following e-tendering process described in bidding documents. First part comprises of the technical bid and the second part comprise of the financial bid in accordance with this Tender Document. In terms of the Tender Document, a Bidder will be required to deposit non-refundable Tender document fee, along with its tender, the refundable Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). MEDA Divisional officer nagpur will open the technical bid of the Bidder, by e-tendering process .

Date of sale of Tender document is on 02.06.2021. The date & Time mentioned for  Pre-Bid Meeting are 10.06.2021 at 12.30 pm MEDA Nagpur. The last date of  bid submission is 16.06.2021 at 17:00 hours.

Estimated Cost is Rs.48,92,252 with 5 years CMC for 1 Kw & 2 Kw Capacity Grid-Connected Solar PV Power Plant Under Roof-Top Net Metering at 83 No’s of PHC. Security Deposit of 3%* of contract value by Demand Draft (DD) in favour of MEDA payable at Nagpur by awarded bidder only. Tender Document fee Rs. 3000/- (Rs. Three Thousand Only) Nonrefundable &Non-Transferable) to be submitted on line.

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