JSW Neo Energy Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of JSW Energy Limited, has received a letter of award (LoA) for inter state transmission system (ISTS) connected solar capacity of 700 MW from Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI), against tariff based competitive bid invited by SECI for setting up of 1,500 MW ISTS connected solar power projects.The current installed generation capacity of the company is 7.2 GW. The company expects to have 9.8 GW of installed capacity by 2024, with this awarded capacity of 700 MW under SECI Tranche XIII, the company’s total locked-in generation capacity increases to 11.7 GW, of which 2.1 GW will be solar.
Solex Energy Launches 800 MW High-Speed Solar Module Production
Solex Energy Limited has commissioned an 800 MW high-speed manufacturing line for N-Type TOPcon rectangular cell-based modules at its facility...